Saturday, March 7, 2015

Coincidence or destiny...I will leave that up to you!

March 7th 1979...The day my life was literally turned around!
I have been asked on many occasions what made me choose my gift...well, seems it chose me and the direction I was going to take...destined to take♡.
Earlier today on PEI I received a call asking if I would mind doing an interview and sharing how it (my career  path) all began.
The date today is March 7th...same day I was put on my path many years ago.
I found the call very synchronistic and that has prompted me to write about my life altering day.
I trust you will find it as interesting as I did, I still think of that day and just shake my head.
I have been psychic all of my life, grew up in a small town on Lake Simcoe...Keswick Ontario. Being the eldest of seven children I spent my youth playing sports, having fun swimming and just being a kid!
Well...a kid with daily visions of events that hadn't happened yet and always aware that there was so much more but no one to talk to and share what I was going through and feeling...teenage years with a twist. ..I was psychic!
I kept on my journey doing the normal things one does, marrying,  having three wonderful children and I worked as a secretary in one of the tallest buildings in downtown Toronto and not really liking the hustle and bustle...not to mention all the visions and energy pulls from being exposed to thousands of people at any given time. It was a zoo that I decided I had to get away from and fast!
My plan was a good one, take my youngest daughter and go to my cottage near Huntsville and work doing any office job that was available.
I quickly learned that if you want to hear God laugh tell him your plans!
On a sunny day in March (7th)  a firefighter who worked ten minutes from my apartment in Mississauga was on his way to the Beaches area to play hockey...I was on my way to the Beaches to pick up some small moving boxes. We the middle of the intersection of Woodbine and Queen...or shall I say, due to an incorrect turn his car met mine and literally turned my life around!
Now the fun began...I could no longer work in the capacity I had been, cottage plan was no longer an option so what now?
(OBVIOUS question you must be asking yourself is: did I see the accident!)
A great tarot card named Peter used to read my cards and when he heard, immediately asked me to join him and work at a tea room in Port Credit. I of course said no and knew I could not and would not use my gift to make money.
Shortly after that my bank manager informed me I couldn't live on love so Peter bought me a beautiful set of Tarot cards and the rest is history.
I often wonder what my life would have been like, not following my obviously given gift.
What if I hadn't decided to drive to the Beaches on March 7th 1979. So many "what ifs" but I believe that the powers that be were trying throughout my life to put me in the right direction but I kept ignoring 101 always got in the way it seemed.
Today, as I write this in my studio on beautiful PEI I just smile. ..and shake my head and thank the hockey playing firefighter for being in the right place at the right time.
